Lea Hofmann
Major study subject at university: Social ecological system
Highest university degree: Bachelor of Science
I am currently working on my Master´s thesis, using satellite data and livestock census to explore the impact of grazing in the eastern mongolian steppes. I enjoy working with statistical programes (like R) to evaluate and visualize spatio-temporal dynamics in different systems. My master gave me comprehensive insights to environmental sheres besides the bioshpere - but spring school gave me the insight where to use that knowledge: I want to work for conservation to do my part in sustaining the ecosystems that are crucial for the wellbeing of our human society.
Lisa Schäfer
Major study subject at university: Ecology
Highest university degree: Master of Science
My work at the moment involves mapping and evaluating parts of the landscape in central Germany in order to establish and manage conservation projects, mainly in open, agricultural areas. I am very happy to work at the conjunction of science and practical conservation work, having to develop conservation measures, write funding proposals and talk to local farmers and volunteers in order to get things done.